
While the Chinese New Year was approaching, the celebration rituals were introduced not only in the events “Mystical China” held in Panevezys but as well in Vilnius Lyceum. The director of VU Confucius Institute prof. Zhang Donghui, project manager Vilma Sniukstaite and Chinese language lecturer Bo Shuyan participated in this event.

V. Sniukstaite was telling stories to the audience how loudly and colourfully Chinese people celebrate their New Year. At the same time, prof. Zhang Donghui and Bo Shuyan were asking questions in order to check how much guests know and manage to remember. The participants who had provided correct answers to given questions were rewarded with traditional Chinese souvenirs – red happiness nodes. After the lecture, participants from Confucius Institute were invited to join for a cup of tea and have a nice talk with teachers.


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